Friday, January 31, 2020

Theory of Mind and the Child with Autism and Asperger

Theory of Mind and the Child with Autism and Asperger 


As a parent of a child with Autism or Asperger, you want the very best for your child. You want them to experience normal life in as many ways as possible.  It is important to know what you can do to bring comfort and joy to your child’s life. There are ways that you and your child can see life through each other’s eyes and manage any situations that may come about in life.  Understanding the Theory of Mind can move you closer to understanding how your child thinks and the reason behind many actions you may notice.  Make sure that you know that you are not alone in your journey.  You have the support that can increase your understand and improve your relationship with your child. 
Theory of Mind
The basic idea of “Theory of Mind” is that children with Autism or Asperger do not understand that others have their own point of view, plans, and thoughts, which makes it hard for the children to understand the emotions, beliefs, and attitudes of others. Your child can become frustrated with you when you do not have the answers to the questions asked.  If your child does not understand that others think differently than themselves, it may become increasingly difficult to communicate and interact socially with others. Once a child with Autism or Asperger experiences life as others do, the child can adapt to society better than before. 
Test Your Child’s Theory of Mind
Here is a scenario that you can use to see if your child has a theory of mind. 

Mental Barriers
Your child may face quite a few barriers in this journey.  Encourage them to have the courage and overcome mental barriers in society.  The following are a few fears that your child may experience:
·          Anger
Your child may become very upset about situations where they are mistreated.  A child with Autism or Asperger may be bullies or rejected because of social barriers.  As your child learns to adapt to the world around them, the constant anger will decrease.

·          Fear
The thought of being socially rejected or judges is enough to cause deep fear in your child.  The simplest situations can make them afraid.  Learning to cope in society around them helps reduce this fear.

·          Loneliness

This is yet another situation that causes problems for children with Autism or Asperger.  They may feel socially handicapped as they find it difficult to play and interact with others appropriately.  Loneliness improves with time as well.


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thank you for your post